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Outdoor Family Day


We welcome new members into our spiritual community, and invite you to consider joining our church.


Our members come from a wide variety of spiritual backgrounds and practices while embracing our common Spiritualist Principles.


We encourage and support individual spiritual development and study through sharing and discussion, continuing education, socializing and gathering both on Zoom and in person.


  • Members can vote at our annual business meeting, held every January, to choose a pastor and board members, and on other issues beyond the scope of the board to decide, such as amending the bylaws.

  • You'll receive a card in the mail on your birthday and if you experience a loss or significant challenge, if you would like that.

  • You can serve on the board as a member at large or an officer (president, vice president, treasurer, secretary), which would allow you to vote at monthly meetings.



  • Agree with our Declaration of Spiritualist Principles in essence, even if you feel more comfortable with slightly different words or phrasing.  Read them on our Home Page.

  • Participate as you are willing and available in Sunday morning programs and other events.

  • Contribute to committees and other support as you are willing and able.

  • Attend and vote at the annual meeting.

  • Contribute financially as you are able.

  • You are encouraged to set up an automatically recurring donation of your choice so you won't need to remember every week, month or year.


To join or renew:

  1. Fill out the membership form and click the purple "1. Join Now!" button below

  2. Pledge and donate (You have 3 options, so just pick one):

    • Check your email for a welcome message and link to pay for your membership​

    • Pay with the purple "New or Renewal Membership Payment" button below the form

    • Mail checks to PO Box 353, Randolph Center, VT 05061


We are so grateful for your commitment to our spiritual community and generosity!

Membership Form

New membership or renewal
What roles or committees interest you?

Thanks for becoming a member of Vision of Light!

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