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Navigating the Inner Journey

Image by Paul Richards
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About the class

More now than ever before this world needs healers of all types. Medical workers heal bodies, Lightworkers work with Spirit to help find the highest and best paths for each and every one of us. 


This class will begin by welcoming Grace: “A moment that transforms into something better.” How? First by freeing ourselves, then others of what has happened to us by answering that inner calling.


Topics covered in this 6-week course will include


1.  Returning to, and deeply honoring, Wonder Synchronicities and Intuition. 

We all have deep primal memories of these buried treasures taught out of us at a very young age. The are the backbone to psychic or mediumship work.


2.  Magical Helpers & Crossing The Threshold

Accenting/accessing and working with guides, angels, spirit loved ones through guided meditations and sharing. This will be the core of the class.


3.  Finding Your Personal Strength

Experiencing various modalities of The Work such as automatic writing/drawing, Clair- audience(hearing), Clair-sentience (that gut feeling), clair-cognizance (just knowing -advanced intuition).


Learn to reclaim and activate psychic and spiritual skills you were born with but may have forgotten, or not known how to develop.


Classes meet on Zoom, Wednesdays 6:30-8, January 19 through February 23.


Cost is $150 with sliding scale options from $50.  To register, please select the option that suits your budget below.


Email with questions.

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